Waste Management


William Rees, a Professor Emeritus and former Director of UBC’s School of Community and Regional Planning, once said:

"The good news is that . . . humans are gifted by the potential for self-awareness and intelligent choice, and knowing our circumstance is an invitation to change." 

In our every day lives we have the ability to make choices about what we consume and how we deal with the waste that we produce. Each day, every day, every single one of us can contribute to making our schools, our homes and our world more sustainable. No where is this more apparent than in schools throughout our district who have chosen to change the way that they deal with waste. By collecting compostables, favouring reuseable containers over disposable ones and paying more attention to what can be recycled students and staff are making a difference. The results are impressive. In the past year every school that chosen to take another look at the way in which they deal with waste, has reduced the amount of garbage being sent to the landfill. Some schools have managed to reduce the amount of garbage that they produce by 50 - 80%. This change has a myriad of positive environmental impacts. 

You too can be a part of improving the way that we deal with waste in our community. Below you will find the Multi-material BC guides to what can be recycled. This is a good reference for most questions and if you want more information about what can be composted or recycled at your school email energy@abbyschools.ca for more information. 

 MMBC Recyclables list_English.pdf

 MMBC_Recyclables list_Punjabi.pdf

 Facts About Flim Plastic.pdf

 Facts About Glass.pdf