
A few ideas about how you can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle at your school.


  • Pack a litterless lunch
  • Bring reusable water bottles and juice containers to school instead of disposable ones
  • Switch the default settings on all of the printers in the school to double sided printing


  • Start a GOOS bin in your classroom
    • GOOS bins (AKA Good On One Side bins) are a great way to reuse paper that has printing on one side. paper in the GOOS bin can be used for sketches, rough drafts and even notes. Why not get the most use possible out a piece of paper before recycling it? 
  • Start a Freecycling program
  • Have Jean drive or clothing swap
  • Organize a book or toy SWAP (donate any leftover items to a local charity)
  • Host a pre-loved Christmas Gift fair


  • ​Start collecting compostables at your school
  • Install a battery collection station and/or a used cell phone collection station at your school
  • Increase your recycling program to include all mixed recycling instead of just paper and cardboard
  • Download the Recyclodedia App to your mobile device so you will always know where and how to properly dispose of recyclable items.

Mixed Recycling_Coloured_April 2017.pdf

Bottles Cans and Juice Boxes_Coloured_April 2017.pdf

Recyclage Mixte.pdf

Cannettes et Bouteilles.pdf