Blog Posts

Marathon running race, large group of runners
June 4, 2024

The Home Stretch: Finishing Strong

Many years ago, as I trained for my first marathon, one of my mentors—a seasoned runner with countless marathons behind him—shared invaluable wisdom about the importance of finishing strong. He emphasized the need to maintain enough energy to cross the finish line with a smile and a strong pace, regardless of how the race began.

I can still recall his words echoing in my mind: “Remember, it’s not about how you start the marathon; it’s about how you finish. Finish strong.”

Marathon running race, large group of runners
Superintendent Nosek and Chair Wilson, stand with Abby Schools student who won an award at the Cultural Diversity Awards Diversity Awards - 2024
March 15, 2024

Connecting and Celebrating: A Journey Across our District

I think it is important for a Superintendent to try and stay connected to what is happening across the district and the broader community. While there are never enough hours in the week, I do my best to make regular rounds and to take in community events. And wherever possible, I like to share the good things I see.

Superintendent Nosek and Chair Wilson, stand with Abby Schools student who won an award at the Cultural Diversity Awards Diversity Awards - 2024
School Bus on a lift for repairs Transportation - School Bus
February 28, 2024

Student Transportation Bussing

The Abbotsford School District bus fleet provides transportation to approximately 2900 students daily. This service also allows schools to book field trips and sporting events.  

The Transportation Department has student safety ‘top of mind,’ and we have two certified commercial technicians dedicated to working on the buses daily. Our staff follow a top-notch preventative maintenance program covering vital inspections that align with Federal Safety Standards and provincial Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement (CVSE), which meets all safety requirements.  

School Bus on a lift for repairs Transportation - School Bus
Sunrise light at the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge Park on a foggy morning, suspended walking bridge in middle of forest, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. iStock - Capilano Suspension Bridge
February 1, 2024

The Bridge to Anywhere

There are no guarantees in life, but wherever you want to go or can imagine going, education is probably the best way there. How does a child in Kindergarten one day become an architect? How does a grade nine student become an arthroscopic surgeon or an agriculturist? How does one become an electrician or a chef? You guessed it - education. This is why I often describe education as the bridge to anywhere.

Sunrise light at the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge Park on a foggy morning, suspended walking bridge in middle of forest, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. iStock - Capilano Suspension Bridge
December 13, 2022

Winter Season – November to March

Preparation for the winter season begins in the summer by servicing all snow and ice equipment. Salt bins are loaded, ice melt is ordered and delivered to all sites, and spreaders and shovels are replenished at each site. Staff call-out lists for snow removal are finalized, and then training on equipment begins. Manpower is assigned to machines and tasks. Maps of each site are updated to identify drain locations and designated areas to pile snow. Tenders for winter contractors are awarded. Meetings are held with crews. 

March 10, 2022

MERV 13 Filters

Most of you have probably heard of MERV 13 filters, but have you ever wondered why they are called “MERV 13” and how they work?

As air moves through a building’s HVAC system, air filters trap and collect large and small particles such as dust, allergens, and microorganisms.  According to ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers), this filtration helps provide healthier indoor air quality.  A filters MERV number indicates how it’s rated to remove these particles.  But what is a MERV rating exactly?

June 30, 2021

Going Electric

The Province of BC has several incentives in place for both community members and provincial agencies to benefit from when going to Electric Vehicles (EVs), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), as well as other low emission vehicles. This has been put in place to support the CleanBC Go Electric Program.